Tuesday, May 27, 2014

REAL real talk

My favorite word is "apropos"
and it all seemed very apropos to call you tonight.
To let you know that 2 years is a long time,
and once you leave,
I'll probably never see you again.
And it also seemed very apropos to text you after,
asking if and how I can write you.

I made an ice cream sundae tonight,
cause I can,
and I think I finally understand the meaning of "real talk".
Real talk is when your best friend cuddles with the boy you used to like,
and she's too scared to admit it.
She tells you anyway and you both spend weeks laughing about it.
Real talk is sitting in the sunset with your parents,
and finding out your dad's greatest ambition is to become a scholar.
Real talk is leaving a comment on a cute boy's blog,
then going back to reread it and realizing you sound like a fool.
Real talk is listening to your neighbors play in your backyard,
and remembering when you were there, too.
Real talk is singing Penny Lane while you're doing the dishes,
and real talk is sleeping in a t shirt with no pants on.
Real talk is real life, and I'm ready to enjoy every minute of it.

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