-you don't always have to be beautiful
-deodorant is a great blessing
-real beauty is the real deal, guys.
-sometimes your period is just simply the perfect excuse (even when you're not on it)
-texting is the WORST.
-listening to your dad's music can get you through about anything
-my parents are really cool
-poetry shouldn't be defined by a grade and a quiz, it's different and special for all.
-sometimes leaving your spotify off private mode is a good thing
-food is a great necessity in all situations
- breakups
- makeups
- winning
- losing
- when you're hungry
- when you're not hungry
- when you're tired
- when you're with friends
- when you're with family
- etc
-taking normal words and creating a new slang meaning for them is probably one of the most exciting things
-boys can scratch their crotches in public, but heaven forbid a girl try
-having a brother is one of the neatest things ever
-having two is even better
-there are few greater joys than holding one of your nieces or nephews
-i actually really like the shape of my body and i think that i'm natural not model (i'm okay with that y'all)
-sometimes you have to cry a lot and then sleep and not be okay for a week or two
-sometimes you're never okay, but that's okay.
-even when everything is not okay, you have to be adjustable.
-your mom cares if no one else does
-laugh at your cousin when he pierces his nose
-laugh at your mistakes
-just laugh in general
-dr. phil knows all.
-marriage is actually a really scary thing
it's 1:31 am i need to go to bed, but I'm probably going to eat a bagel first
I love your writing style. It's all over the place but still really easy to follow.